It is a good idea to mark your images so that wherever your images are seen, viewers can come back to your website if they are interested in more information.  I would especially do this for images I would post on social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

Let me show you a very simple way to do this.

Go to and click on Edit a Photo.


Next, click on Open and choose My computer.

After you choose the image you want to use from your computer and click open, you may get a pop-up that asks what image setting you want.  I choose, Bubbles, but for web images, Jack should work just fine, too.

  1.  To add your watermark, just click on the Text icon as shown in the image below.  Then click on Add Text.
  2. A text box will appear.  Click on the text box and then you can start typing.  You can choose your font style in the menu on the left.
  3. In the text menu box, you can change the size of your text by moving the slider where it says Size.  Change the color of your font if you like.  And last of all, change the opacity, you can change the opacity by moving the slider where it says Fade.  Click away from  your text box, then click on it again and you can move the text to the location you want it.

That’s it!  You did it!

Now, just save your masterpiece.  Click on Save  that is right next to the Open link you clicked on earlier.  A new window will open as shown below.

  1. Name your file.  You can leave it as a jpg.
  2. Choose the quality.  I chose Pierce.  I would only use Sean if I was printing the image.
  3. You can change your dimensions of your image for your website.  Don’t make it larger.  That will cause your image to pixelate and look somewhat fuzzy.  You should only use this to make your image smaller.  My original image was 3303 pixels wide.  That is way too large for my web page.  So I changed the width to 1200 px.  The height automatically adjusts for you so it keeps it in the correct proportion.
  4. Last of all, click on Save to my computer.  Choose the folder on  your computer where you want your image to be saved and click Save.  You’re done!

Congratulations!  You watermarked your first image!

Contact Me

I look forward to hearing from you.  Please let me know if you have any questions or how I can help!